Monday 29 May 2023

Master Mix Balancing: 3 Techniques for a Great Mix

Mixing and balancing levels is an essential skill for any music producer and mix engineer to master in order to get a well-balanced, professional sounding mix. In this article, I will explain what level balancing is and provide three effective techniques to achieve a great mix.

What is Mixing Balancing Levels?

Level Balancing or Levelling a mix simply refers to adjusting the volume levels of different elements in a mix. Volume level adjustment can be done by using the fader and pan knob of a mixer, as well as by using an audio editor. Panning is an important part of the balancing process, as it helps to create separation between different elements and achieve a wide stereo image.

3 Good Balancing Techniques

Your ability to set levels for different instruments is a core skill for producers and mix engineers. Here are three good techniques for achieving a well-balanced mix:

  • Soloing the Most Important Elements First: Many mixers start their balancing process by soloing the most important elements first and setting these levels before anything else.
  • Balancing Channels: Balancing channels simply means that each element of your mix is set to an appropriate volume in relation to the other elements. If your tracks are all at the same volume level, it will sound flat and dull.
  • Using Compression & EQ: Compression and EQ can be used to further adjust the levels of different elements and create a more balanced overall sound.

These three techniques will help you to achieve a better balance in your mixes and make them sound more professional. If you’re looking for even more tips and tricks on how to get a great mix, check out the Making Music 101 website. They have a wealth of information on mixing, mastering, and all aspects of music production.

YouTube Video

What should the proportions of the ingredients be when mixing?

Turn up your speaker/audio interface/monitor controller gradually until it is set to between 70dB (in a small room) and 85dB (in a large room). Do not set it to be louder than 85dB.

What should the decibel level of a mastered song be?

The expected loudness of master records for the music industry in 2022 is estimated to be approximately -8 RMS, -10 LUFS, with a peak level of -0.3 dB. However, the desired loudness levels may vary depending on the genre of music.

YouTube Video

from Making Music 101

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