Thursday 1 June 2023

Staying Out The Mix: Understanding the Idiom

This article will answer the question: “What does it mean to stay out the mix?” It is an idiom that means to remove something or someone from a situation, typically to avoid involvement or potential conflict. To understand this idiom, let’s look at its history, usage and relevance today.

What Does It Mean To Stay Out The Mix?

The phrase “out the mix” is an idiom that is not well represented in the dictionaries, but still commonly used. It is used to refer to the act of removing something or someone from a situation, typically to avoid involvement or potential conflict. For example, a person may say “I’m gonna stay out the mix” to indicate they are not going to get involved in a particular situation.

The phrase originated in the early 2000s, when it was popularized by the hip-hop artist Lil’ Flip. In his song “Out Tha Mix”, Lil’ Flip raps about avoiding violence and staying out of trouble. The phrase “out the mix” quickly caught on and began to be used in other contexts to mean keeping out of a situation. It has since become a popular phrase and can be found in many songs, such as “Out Of The Mix” by Pasto.

Why Is Staying Out The Mix Important?

Staying out the mix is important because it can help you avoid being involved in a potentially dangerous or damaging situation. By staying out of the mix, you can avoid being caught up in a conflict or dispute, which can have serious consequences. It can also help you focus on your own goals and objectives without getting distracted by other people’s issues.

In addition, staying out the mix can be a sign of respect. When you stay out of a situation that does not directly involve you, you are demonstrating that you are not trying to interfere or intrude on someone else’s business. This can be seen as a sign of maturity and understanding, and can help foster positive relationships between people.


In conclusion, the phrase “out the mix” is an idiom that means to remove something or someone from a situation, typically to avoid involvement or potential conflict. Staying out the mix is important because it can help you avoid being involved in a potentially dangerous or damaging situation, and can also be seen as a sign of respect. To learn more about making music and music production, visit Making Music 101.

YouTube Video

What is the meaning of the slang phrase “mix it”?

What does it mean to be involved?

It means they are still auditioning other actors, but they liked you and you are still in the running for the part.

What does it mean to be lost in the shuffle?

Overlooked due to the abundance of other matters to be addressed.

What does it mean to stay out of the way?

Isolated, rare, and inappropriate.

YouTube Video

from Making Music 101

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