Friday, 4 August 2023

Mix Vocals with Instrumental Online: Pro Tips & Techniques

Mixing vocals with instrumentals online can be a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to make your tracks sound professional. But don’t worry! We work with different styles and genres and deliver high quality mixes at an affordable cost. In this article, we’ll discuss the best techniques for mixing vocals with an instrumental track.

How to Mix Vocals with an Instrumental Online?

Mixing vocals to an instrumental track presents unique challenges. Knowing how to blend a standalone vocal track with a fully mixed track is a useful skill for any music producer. Here are some tips for getting the best sound when mixing vocals with an instrumental online:

  • EQ the Instrumental – Start by EQing the instrumental track to create space for the vocal track. Boost or cut frequencies as needed to make sure the vocal track sits in the mix properly.
  • Compress the Vocal Track – Compressing the vocal track will help it stand out in the mix. Use a compressor to keep the vocal levels consistent and make the track sound full and dynamic.
  • Add Effects – Adding effects to the vocal track can help it stand out in the mix. Try adding reverb, delay, or chorus to create an interesting and unique sound.
  • Mix to a Reference Track – Mixing to a reference track can help you get the vocal levels just right. Listen to a song with a similar sound and use it as a guide for your mix.

These are just a few tips for mixing vocals with an instrumental track. If you need help or have any questions, feel free to email me at

Learn How to Mix Vocals with an Instrumental

If you want to take your mixing skills to the next level, you can learn how to mix vocals to an instrumental track with our Vocal Masterclass. In this class, we’ll show you how to make your vocal tracks go from boring to head-banging great. We’ll teach you how to EQ instruments, mix to a reference track, and add effects for a professional sound.

At Making Music 101, we offer a variety of courses for music producers of all levels. Our courses are designed to help you become a better producer, no matter what style or genre you produce. Visit our website to learn more at

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What is the process of combining vocals with instrumentals?

1. Apply side-chain compression to the instrumental track.
2. Add side-chain saturation to the vocal track.
3. Send both tracks to an ambient reverb.
4. Increase the level of the 3.5kHz frequency on the vocal track.
5. Add a dynamic equalizer to the vocal track.
6. Use a side-chained Gullfoss EQ for further sound separation.
7. Utilize side-chain Soothe 2 for further vocal clarity.
8. Introduce a further level of distinction using saturation.

Which website can separate vocals and instrumentals?

LALAL.AI is a cutting-edge vocal remover and music source separation tool designed to quickly and accurately extract stem components such as vocals, instruments, drums, bass, piano, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, and synthesizer tracks without compromising sound quality.

What steps can you take to improve the sound of badly recorded vocals?

Analyze the audio levels to identify any issues in the mix.
Employ editing techniques to fix any mistakes in the performance.
Apply a high-pass filter to remove any unnecessary low frequencies.
Utilize a surgical EQ to identify and remove any resonances.
Employ a de-esser to avoid harshness or sibilance.

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from Making Music 101

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